Spot Check

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Date & Time Of Spot Check
Is the care assistant in full uniform?
Is the care worker wearing PPE?
Detail any missed steps or guidance you had to provide
Did the care assistant arrive on time and complete all duties as required in the app fully and completely
Did the care assistant read and understand the requirements of the care plan and the service user's needs?
Does the care assistant demonstrate an understanding of infection and control and following good practise?

Carer Tasks

Handwashing - Please select any of the following that you observed
- Staff should wash their hands before direct contact with service users
- Hand wash solution must come into contact with all surfaces of hand
- Vigorous rubbing of hands for minimum of 20 seconds with attention to tips of fingers, thumbs and between fingers
- Thorough rinsing
- Drying with good quality paper towels.
Detail any missed steps or guidance you had to provide
PPE - Please select any of the following that you observed
Tasks - Please select any of the following that you observed
Waste Disposal - Please select any of the following that you observed
Cleaning - Please select any of the following that you observed
Detail any missed steps or guidance you had to provide
Does the Care worker complete care visit notes correctly on their app?
Does the carer protect the dignity of the service user and show them respect?
Check to see the carer does things like Knocking before entering, Calling the Service User by their preferred name and ensuring choice is given to the Service User in the tasks being carried out.