Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Employee DetailsName of applicant *Company Name *Start Date of Employment *End Date of Employment *Main duties in this role Reason for leavingEmployee ConductWork PerformanceOutstandingSatisfactoryUnsatisfactoryAttitude to workOutstandingSatisfactoryUnsatisfactoryInitiativeOutstandingSatisfactoryUnsatisfactoryTimekeeping/PunctualityOutstandingSatisfactoryUnsatisfactoryAbsences/Coming to WorkOutstandingSatisfactoryUnsatisfactoryWhat are the applicants strengths? What are the applicant's weaknesses?Would you re-employment applicant?YesNoIf you have answered NO to the above question, please give reasons belowConfirm your details and signature Name *FirstLastPosition HeldPhone *Email *HR Notes (To be completed by HR)Date *Submit